Less than 2 months to go…

Well here we are, the countdown to EBC has heated up a little with only 1 month, 27 days, 13 hours and 25 seconds to go! I know you will be waiting with baited breath to find out if I survived the performance of the walrus, and yes I did. Not a harpoon or shark in sight. I may even go back this week.
In other news, I managed to book myself a series of personal training sessions – now what the hell was I thinking? Why would I do such a thing? I guess I figured that PT worked for the last trek so, why not? Well, I had the first one last Thursday and spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday walking as if I had eaten one to many curries – need I say more! The creator of the kettle bell needs to suffer a hideous accident, preferably involving a vat of lard – now that would be retribution! No seriously, it was tough, but worth it. I’m off (to my garage) for another one tomorrow so it better be.
Keep this to yourselves, but there have been some developments on the trek itself too. Gregarious old me was looking forward to bonding with a troop of Australians, also doing the EBC trek at the same time, but in their wisdom, they have decided to postpone the trip for a year. Now, any other person in their right mind would think, “hey, that trip sounds far too scary to take on my own, let’s wait a year, or maybe find a chum or two to join me”, but no! I am now doing the whole thing as the only trekker, with only a Nepali guide and a porter for company. Hmmm, a wise move? Some might say no! To me it has only increased the adventure level, but I’m not telling Mam, or too many other people – not just yet anyways! The extra cover for natural disasters almost tipped her over the edge!
The fundraising seems to be going well with a concert in the offing for the 26th of Feb. I guess I better dust of my singing voice, as I have stupidly put myself down to do a few numbers. The fabby Bridgend choir will be performing too, and it is proving to be quite the showstopper! Just one small snag, the Wales V France, Six Nations game is on at the same time. That’s okay though, Welsh people don’t really care for rugby.
The real highlight of my week though has to be the arrival of my solar charger and biodegradable shower products. Now that really was a showstopper! Not only can I now keep writing this blog, whilst up a mountain with a pair of Nepali gentlemen, but I can also reduce the impact of eau d’trek, albeit if any of the tea houses have a working ‘shower’.

Right, back to it I suppose…. I thought I’d leave you with a pic or two of the last trek just to whet your appetite. Speak soon


feeling inspired by my nutty exploits, feel free to send me a few pennies via http://www.virginmoneygiving.com/RhiannonSkilton



One thought on “Less than 2 months to go…

  1. Pingback: The Coming Everest Effort | Russell's Stories

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